Statistics in science 

Statistics plays a vital role in scientific research by providing a systematic approach for analyzing and interpreting empirical data. It enables scientists to design experiments and sample data in a way that maximizes the power of statistical tests, analyze data using appropriate techniques, interpret results based on statistical evidence, and communicate findings to other scientists and the public through statistical measures and visualizations. In various scientific fields, such as medicine, biology, psychology, and physics, statistics is used to investigate and understand phenomena, determine the effectiveness of treatments, study animal behavior, and investigate properties of materials and the universe. 

Basic Statistics Part 1: The Law of Large Numbers 

Basic Statistics Part 2: Correlation vs. Causation 

Basic Statistics Part 3: The Dangers of Large Data Sets: A Tale of P values, Error Rates, and Bonferroni Corrections

Basic statistics part 4: understanding P values

Basic Statistics Part 5: Means vs Medians, Is the “Average” Reliable?

Basic Statistics Part 6: Confounding Factors and Experimental Design

When can correlation equal causation?