
Humans form beliefs through a complex process that involves perception, reasoning, personal experiences, and social influence but they are prone to errors in judgment and reasoning. By being aware of these errors and biases and how we form our beliefs we can strive to form beliefs that are based on accurate information and evidence.

The surprising ways we form beliefs 

Read this article at 'Thinking is power' - an excellent resource for various articles about science and critical thinking: 

Here's another twitter thread on beliefs 

Also, don't forget to click on the brilliant video on the left by Veritasium on 'The Science of Thinking' 

Behaviour and Belief 

Watch this brilliant video of 'Human Skinner Box experiment' and more explaining how we form beliefs by Vsauce

'The illusion of truth' by Veritasium

An episode inspired by the book Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman.

Is Certainty Keeping You From True Knowledge?

The Limits of Knowledge and the Dangers of Certainty: 

Is what you believe true? Use these 6 questions to find out

Four Ways Your Personal Experiences Can Lead You Astray

Why trying to prove yourself wrong is the key to being right?

The difference between falsifiable and unfalsifiable beliefs 

"Defining 'truth' is an ancient question that in the age of science should find resolution and agreement. But this is not so. Even today, #truth remains elusive. Can truth be objective or must it always be relative?"