Overview effect

The Overview Effect is a term used to describe the profound shift in awareness that some astronauts experience when they see the Earth from space. It is a cognitive shift in perspective that occurs when viewing the Earth from a distance, where the boundaries between nations and people dissolve, and a sense of interconnectedness with all living things is felt.

The Overview Effect is often described as a transformative experience that alters the way astronauts see themselves, the Earth, and humanity. This experience has led some astronauts to become advocates for environmentalism, peace, and global cooperation. It has also inspired artists, writers, and thinkers to explore the interconnectedness of all things and the fragility of life on Earth.

The Overview Effect has been studied by psychologists and philosophers, who have tried to understand the psychological and philosophical implications of this experience. While not all astronauts report experiencing the Overview Effect, those who do often describe it as a life-changing event that gives them a new perspective on the world and their place in it.

Here's a twitter thread on 'Overview Effect': https://twitter.com/desisciencepage/status/1265524345704767493?t=lStyntv6hVaPfIWYKj7DOA&s=19 

Your brain on space—the overview effect

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'Down To EARTH: The astronaut's perspective' 

Ever wonder what it’s like to see our planet from space? NASA’s astronauts will take you on a journey to the International Space Station, exploring the life-changing experience of an orbital perspective. View Earth as you’ve never seen it before: through the eyes of an astronaut. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIkqs9_FK28 

Find out more from the Overview Institute