Science Vs Pseudoscience 

The main difference between science and pseudoscience is the emphasis on evidence-based inquiry and the willingness to revise beliefs based on new evidence. While science seeks to understand the world around us through rigorous and systematic inquiry, pseudoscience often relies on untested beliefs or methods that lack scientific validity.

Twitter thread about Science Vs Pseudoscience: 

Below are few more resources. 

"The vast majority of people will get their science news from online news site articles, and rarely delve into the research that the article is based on. This graphic looks at the different factors that can contribute towards ‘bad’ science".


"You might think science is science, but some evidence is ranked higher in the scientific community than others, and having an awareness of this can help you sort the science from the pseudoscience when it comes to various internet claims"


CARL SAGAN - A Way of Thinking

"Science is more than a body of knowledge, it's a way of thinking." Carl Sagan 

5 Ways to tell science from pseudoscience 

By Brian Dunning

What is Science? It is more than you think 

In the words of Carl Sagan, "Science is more than a body of knowledge; it's a way of thinking - a way of skeptically interrogating the universe."

How did Carl Sagan beat pseudoscience? (The Sagan Method)

10 steps for evaluating scientific papers

12 bad reasons for rejecting scientific studies

5 Ways to tell science from pseudoscience

Here are 5 quick ways for you to tell good science from bad science by Brian Dunning 

“Research” Associated with the Promotion of Questionable Theories, Products, and Services 

A trial design that generates only ''positive'' results

This is a very good article by @EdzardErnst explaining a nefarious tactic by the pseudoscience proponents 

Karl Popper, Science, & Pseudoscience: Crash Course Philosophy 

The early 1900s was an amazing time for Western science, as Albert Einstein was developing his theories of relativity and psychology was born, as Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis took over the scientific mainstream. Karl Popper observed these developments firsthand and came to draw a distinction between what he referred to as science and pseudoscience, which might best be summarized as science disconfirms, while pseudoscience confirms. While the way we describe these disciplines has changed in the intervening years, Popper’s ideas speak to the heart of how we arrive at knowledge. 

11 Characteristics of Pseudoscience