Real Science from India 🇮🇳
India has a rich scientific heritage that dates back to ancient times. Some of the greatest discoveries and inventions in the fields of mathematics, astronomy and more were made in India. For example, Indian mathematicians developed the decimal system, the concept of zero, and algebraic notation. They also made significant contributions to trigonometry and calculus. India's scientific heritage is a testament to the country's rich intellectual and cultural traditions and continues to inspire scholars and scientists around the world.
However, not everything ancient is scientific and it is important to differentiate between what is science and what is not. We should not cling to practices just because they are ancient. Despite India's rich scientific heritage, in recent years, there has been a growing trend towards pseudoscience and a lack of scientific temper in the country.
Some individuals and groups in India have been promoting unscientific ideas and practices in the name of ancient heritage, claiming that they are based on ancient Indian knowledge systems. This includes practices such as astrology and various forms of alternative medicine that have not been scientifically proven. This trend has been fueled by a combination of factors, including a lack of critical thinking and scientific education and a sense of misplaced cultural pride. Promoting pseudoscience and unproven practices can have serious consequences, including harm to public health and safety, waste of resources, and damage to India's scientific reputation.
To counter this trend, it is essential to promote scientific education and critical thinking in India and to encourage evidence-based practices and policies. This requires a concerted effort by the government, educational institutions, and civil society to promote a culture of scientific inquiry and rational thinking. Only then can India build on its rich scientific heritage and make progress towards solving the challenges of the modern world.
Here's a thread from Twitter:Â
Actual science from India (with timeline)Â
By ScienceIsDope /Â
If you haven't followed the above YouTube channel by Pranav Radhakrishnan, do it straight away for some great content.
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